Here you will find gear levers for your h-pattern and sequential transmissions.
Samsonas - H-Pattern gear lever (historic look)
Nissan S and R chassis shifter plate 2.0 - Black anodized, DCT-shifter
Nissan S and R chassis shifter plate 2.0 - Black anodized, BMW DCT shifter
Nissan S and R chassis shifter plate 2.0 - Natural anodized, DCT-shifter
Nissan S and R chassis shifter plate 2.0 - Natural anodized, BMW DCT shifter
Toyota chassis shifter plate - Black anodized/DCT-shifter
Toyota chassis shifter plate - Black anodized/BMW DCT shifter
Toyota chassis shifter plate - Natural anodized/DCT-shifter
Toyota chassis shifter plate - Natural anodized/BMW DCT shifter
Toyota chassis shifter plate - Gold anodized/DCT-shifter